Providing your logistics partner FedEx the IOSS number correctly ensures your shipments are handled appropriately.
Input IOSS number to FedEx Ship Manager
FedEx can only accept an IOSS number via a proprietary FedEx electronic shipping solution or a FedEx Compatible solution. You cannot submit manual Air Waybills when using the IOSS.
Enter your 12-character IOSS number in the correct field (see detailed information on this on the following pages). Do not add any additional letters, numbers or other characters – such as adding “IOSS” to the beginning. Your IOSS number may not be recognised if you do.
Do not include the name of a business in the recipient’s address if you want to use the IOSS. If you do, customs authorities are likely to treat your package as a B2B shipment and ignore your IOSS number.
If you use FedEx Web Services
Please enter your IOSS number in the TIN field

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