Adding VAT rates in Magento2 is key to being able to sell cross-border in compliance.
You can find our step-by-step instructions below.
This article describes how to add EU VAT rates to the Magento2 installation from the scratch.
- Login to your Magento2 store administrative dashboard
- In the main administrative view go to Stores → Taxes → Tax Rules → press button "Add New Tax Rule"
Scroll down to the Additional settings , choose attached csv file and press "Import Tax Rates".
Use this EU standard VAT rates to import standard rates fro the EU countries
After successful processing, page will be reloaded.
- Set the name of the rule (E.g. EU Standard Rates) and select all 27 EU countries
- Open Additional Settings , check that at least 2 options filled.
- You need to choose all Customer tax classes that you wish this rule to be applied. And select all Product Tax Class that you use for products with standard rates.
If you are selling products B2B then you need to exclude Customer Tax Class that associated with B2B customers.
8. Press Save Rule