For proper handling IOSS and full DDP delivery it is necessary to assign HS code for each product in the store. This article describes the process.
To set up HS codes for your items in Shopware 6 to enable DDP calculation one needs to create a special item property (item attribute) for the store inventory, map that attribute in the EAS extension and assign value from the attribute to the products.
Creating Attribute and assigning values
- If you do not have HS codes attribute created for your merchandise you need to create a new property for your items.
In the main administrative menu Go to Catalogues>Properties >Add property
You can skip this step if you already have a property field created for your items where you keep HS codes.
- Set up the property name and provide optional description. Save the property in the upper right corner
Add all necessary values to the newly created property. One can always add additional values at a later stage. Press button "Add value"
- Enter the value and press “Apply” button at the bottom
- New value is visible in the list
Mapping the property to the "EAS EU Compliance extension" HS code field.
- In the administrative menu find the option “Extension” > “My extensions”. Choose EAS EU Compliance extension and press on the three dots button to open the extension
- Find option “Properties” and choose the name for the property that you created for HS codes in your store (“HS code” in the example)
The setup is complete now. You need to add HS codes for your items. Remember that EAS requires at least 8 digit HS code for EAS DDP solution
Assigning HS codes to your products
- In the main menu go Catalogues>Products and choose the product for which you want to assign the HS code
Choose “Specifications” in the product card and move to the properties section. Choose “Configure properties”
- Choose the property intended for HS codes and mapped as such in the EAS extension , press on it and choose the value (values can be added as explained in Section 2. Press “Save”
New item property and the value are visible in the item settings.
Save the item (in the upper right corner) to ensure that the new values are applied permanently.|
Notice that you need to assign HS codes to all variants if variants exist for the item.
To find proper customs codes (HS code) for your products you can use free resource